When I told GoofGirl she had 3C’s jacket, she smelled it and told me I was right.
I asked her what it smelled like and GoofGirl told me, it smells like Carpool Clan.
“Is that bad?” I asked.
“No, it's okay,” she replied, “It's just different from our house. Less pizza, more Mac’n cheese.”
NOTE & UPDATE: This illustrative picture is courtesy of the intriguing website Clothes on Film. I saw Grease about 100 times - for some reason every birthday party that year went to see Grease, I was about seven at the time. I have no idea why this was considered appropriate - my kids will see it when they are 40 (because I am not up to being the dad to a Pink Lady.) Clothes on Film reminds me how much I saw and how little I understood.
I love it. Of course, 3C does not normally eat Mac N' Cheese in her winter wear. That said, I suppose Mac N' Cheese is on the menu often enough that the jacket has simply absorbed the fumes through the air.
She has an exceptionally sensitive "boogie hole" (as she terms it.) She always tells me I smell like rotten meat. She might be right.
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