Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Annals of Boredom II: Repeating Impressions

Children thrive on repetition. When they find a favorite story they will
want it read to them over and over and over again - without break. You may
find yourself cheering when the gingerbread man is trapped and eaten or come
to see the little red hen as a sanctimonious schoolmarm, or even root for
the giant to catch Jack and devour him. I have.

One fun little way to make these endless re-readings more fun is to practice
your impressions. I do Sean Connery when I read "Old MacDonald had a Farm."
I also do a killer rap version of "Five Little Ducks."

On the last, there is a bonus. My son will offer to "read" (that is recite)
"Five Little Ducks" to his little sister and he'll do the rap version. (My
wife goes to the bedroom and sobs softly to herself.)

Now I am trying to find him some age appropriate bling. Maybe something
with a Thomas the Tank Engine motif.

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