Monday, November 07, 2011

Box Tales

We had a new refrigerator delivered recently.

After the workmen put took it down to the basement I realized something was missing. The box! I wanted to play in it.

I asked the delivery-men and they said it was in the truck, I could have it if I wanted it.

MamaGoof did not care for this plan. In a last ditch effort, I tried to get the deliverymen on my side, employing my idiot Spanish, "Para los ninos!

Bad move, MamaGoof actually speaks Spanish, plus she is commanding in any language.

"No! Es basura!"

It was clear to the delivery-men who was in charge, and they drove off, no doubt taking the box home to their children.

Too bad, the little Goofs love to play with boxes. But I am a good husband and I haven't said a word about how their mother deprived them of such an awesome adventure.

I'm just biding my time, until I really mess up.

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